HOMEOPATHY… Yes the “dreaded” topic of Homeopathy - if it’s all “pseudoscience” and “placebo effects” that people are just getting duped by, or is there actually some "science" here.
Well, it’s the elephant in the room; however, it’s not something which, especially in this day and age, should be "dreaded". It really can be understood today like all other “sciences”. The reason why homeopathy always fails at “science” and is unable to “prove” itself is because we are using the WRONG MEASURING STICK! Yes, that is right! It cannot and does not pass any “medical” parameters because it’s not “medical science”. “Medical science” is not the full and complete world of science, “medical science” is just BIO-CHEMISTRY! And Homeopathy is not! Homeopathy is PHYSICS! In his book, The Science of homeopathy, George Vithoulkas, describes experiments that have been conduct that demonstrate that even living things have an energy signature, thus a resonate (natural/optimal) frequency. Now as you may or may not remember from your physics days; when a substance like glass vibrates at its resonate frequency for long enough, due to a musical note for instance, it shatters. This however is not the case with all musical notes brought to it, only the one that matches the glass’s own frequency. Which means that when a wave pattern that matches the substance’s natural frequency meets the substance it cause a bigger reaction in said substance than other frequencies do that do not match; in this case it causes the cells in the substance to move in sync with the sound waves and when they do that for long enough, the inert nature of the solid glass causes the structure to give way and the glass shatters. Now homeopathy works in a similar way. It uses the natural frequencies of things (plants, minerals, animals etc.) and uses this in a way which can optimise conditions for “healing” to take place in a person. So here is where all the problems from the "medical" world come in. The medical world, runs in the realms of biology and chemistry. It uses its knowledge and understanding of human biology and chemistry and tries to apply it to homeopathy, and of course homeopathy cannot come to par with it. They talk about Avogadro’s number, they talk about placebo effect etc. but the problem is not with homeopathy, but how they are thinking about it. Yes in homeopathy the substance is diluted down to beyond any "traceable" particles left in it. But we are not after the particles to begin with; we are not relying on them to induce any effect on the body - that is chemistry where a chemical causes a chemical reaction in a being. We are after the energy signature of the substance to work on the energy signature of the human being we are looking to “treat”; so it matters not to us how much chemical is left in the dilution. We are working upon a very different aspect of the human being entirely. So of course your “medical” test will render homeopathy as placebo, because you are looking at it and trying to decipher it with the wrong tool! I have also heard the argument of, 'we rely on the memory of water to pass on the essence of the substance' be debunked as – if that was the case then everything that ever went into the water would affect us. Well again there are two things here: Firstly everything emits their energy signature out, but they do it in a very very tiny way, so where it would affect the water around it, the effects of it would be so minute and last for such a short period that it would not even "register". Secondly, despite it not being a very big output, who is to say that it has absolutely no impact upon us? Like I said it is so minute that to track it would be near impossible, but that does not mean that it may not have any sort of impact upon us. Just take a look at our Marine health, has not the dumping of unnaturally materials caused a devastating impact on our Marine life? Who is to say that all of it is only due to the chemicals it releases and the biological hazard that it causes? One cannot discount that the unnatural materials that are being dumped may also be causing harm from its frequency. Just because it has not been proven yet, does not mean that it can be discounted. Coming back to homeopathy. Homeopathy uses the natural frequency of the substance and applies the natural law of physics to it – energy can neither be created nor destroyed only transferred. So what a lot of people over look when they talk about the dilutions in homeopathy is the fact that it is not just simply diluted, the substance is also succussed, which is a process where the vile is held in the hand and banged on a hard surface. This agitates the contents. Now as we know from the law of physics stated above, energy can only get transferred, so this energy that we apply to the substance has to go somewhere right? Yes some of it is transferred into kinetic energy, some sound, some heat but some will get stored up for later as potential energy. This energy gets locked away in the energy signatures that is transferred into the water particles. What would that look like? Energy signature/natural frequency are all wave patterns. Frequency determines the “identity” of the wave, as in terms of music, the note b has a different frequency pattern to the note a, or the light wave which is visible to us as blue light has a different frequency pattern to the light which is visible to us as red, so on and so forth. Now as we see with music, when we give a sound wave more energy, the sound we hear does not change in character, instead gets louder i.e. its amplitude changes; thus by giving it more energy you cannot go from one note to another, you can only make that note louder. Like when we play a flute or recorder for example, blowing more air into the instrument only makes the note louder, to change to a different note we have to change what holes we are “blocking”. So just like this, when an energy signature that is impressioned into the water memory gets given energy through succussions, it increases the energy signature’s strength. This happens every time it is diluted. If you imagine: you have a very very tiny wave pattern that was emitted from gold, that has been "saved" in the memory of water after tincturing and diluting; now every time it gets succussed, the energy signature does not change, however the energy that is given to it each time, gives it more of a “voice”; so by the time it gets to 30c, it is now “audible” as a tiny beep sound, by the time it gets to 200c it is like a person talking from across the room to us for an hour, by the time it is 10M it is like a person shouting in our faces for 5 days. So as the energy signatures strength increases, how well and how long we hear it for also increases. SIDE NOTE However interestingly though, by the time it is in the realms of 50M and CM it is again "inaudible" to us, like a dog whistle; but not because the frequency has changed, as in the case of the dog whistle, but because it is so "loud" that it is un-computable to our “ear”, which is why the effects of 50M and CM are different, but that is a discussion for another time. So you see, Homeopathy and Medical Science are actually not alternatives of each other, they are not even on the same page. They are not "enemies", it’s not one or the other. They are two different things working on very different parts of the human being. Just like a surgeon and a medical doctor are not the same thing, don’t work on the same thing, homeopaths also do not work on the same thing. A surgeon (for the most part) deals with the physical, a medical doctor ( for the most part) the chemical, and a homeopath the energetic. ( DISCLAIMER: I know both the jobs of the medical doctors and the surgeons do over lap and they do have aspects of the others’ skills at their disposal too, this is just a generalised picture to help understand the difference; don’t get held up with nuances, I am not trying to belittle anyone’s job, just simplifying for explanations). They are all still trying to help the client, but in their own way, in their own department, using their own “tools”. We have to stop looking at the differences and start seeing the common goal here. We are not enemies of one another, we just do and deal with different things. Like an engineer, an architect and a Feng Shui master feel no threat from one another and understand the different roles each play, so too can a surgeon, a medical doctor and homeopath understand, respect and work alongside each other. A homeopath is not much different, in a manner of speaking, to a Feng Shui master – one looks at the energy flow around a person’s environment and the other the energy flow inside of a person. And the big world of Pharma, well that is a whole other story that we may or may not get into sometime… ;)
There is a lot of talk nowadays about frequency: our frequency, interference with other frequencies (like Wi-Fi and 4G/5G. etc.) light therapy/ effects of different lights upon us etc.. Although this is more commonly talked about in recent times, its actually not a “new” discovery or "new phenomenon" for the human race.
Our ancestors understood this a long time ago. They may not have given it these titles, but the concept was the same. Let us look at Feng Shui for example, it too talks about energies, harmonising our energies and that of our environment. Architects who build churches centuries ago understood the importance of the church sound travelling well, not just around the inside of the building, but also how it resonated outside into the town and the positive impacts this has on the town. Churches were designed and placed in a way so that the sounds would resonate out in a certain way. Why? Because Sound, affects us. Sound, light, heat, “energy”, they are all energy. The energies we put out, receive and hold inside of us, impact us and our surrounding. Recently we have come to understand that using artificial materials is not great; neither for putting inside of us, on top of us, or around us. With inside and on top, its fairly easy to understand about how the chemicals may react with us; but when it comes to having the artificial materials around us – not only are the chemicals in it (and it gives off to us) toxic, but also how it bounces energies back can also impact us. This phenomenon can be seen with honey and the other products of the bee hive. We have understood the importance and benefits of honey, bee pollen, bee propolis etc. for sometime. Their chemical make-up is extremely beneficial it us, however, it is a more recent discovery that a big reason for the multiple benefits that can be reaped from bee products is because of the frequency that the bees are buzzing at. The frequency has healing qualities in and of itself! The way then this frequency resonate throughout the hive structure then also adds to the already beneficial bee products. So not just what frequency is being emitted, but how it resonate through a space both have impacts. ... In the art of Feng Shui, they talk about moving things around to help the energy flow through the environment in a different way. Well if you jog your memory back to some of your Physics lessons you may or may not remember doing some experiments with sound and light waves, possibly using ripples in water as a visual simulation of the phenomenon. Well if you can think back to those lessons, you may or may not remember how placing obstacles in certain places changed how the waves behaved. Now imagine that but on a bigger scale, like your room. How energy bounces off and around the room will vary depending on what is there and how it is placed. The Art of Feng Shui was not all that far off from our modern day understanding of physics now was it!?! Now let’s also consider what energies we give off all the time when we are at home. That is the energy then that we and our family are living in constantly and reabsorbing. If you are sitting in worry and fear, guess what energy you and your family are feeding off of? For those of you who are Muslim, you may recall Surah Fathiha, the Surah read in every rikhat of every prayer, is also known as Surah Shiffa (the healing verses)!! So when we read this surah its unique wave pattern (frequency) is emitted in and around us and therefore affects us – so is it any wonder why Allah has made this Surah an essential and so frequent part of our daily lives? Is it any wonder why it is said, there is peace to be found in prayer? Is it any wonder why we are supposed to have the Azaans (call for prayer) resonate out into the town 5 times a day? Frequency. We all have our own frequencies. We all emit our own frequency as well as that of what we are feeling. When are feeling low and allowing lots of things to bring us down, we are vibrating at a lower frequency. When we are feeling light and full of joy, we vibrate at a higher frequency - at our optimum, closer and truer to our pure selves; with our energy flowing more freely within us. We are all affected by frequencies. When we get affected by something, we can allow it to: ‘disturb’ our frequency for a short time and allow it to pass through us; or we can choose to block it out preventing it from entering us; or we can hold on to it once it has entered within us, preventing it from running its due course and leaving us, and in doing so we let it keep affecting us. The truth is, life will always bring things our way, we have to allow them to pass through us. If we choose to block it then we are firstly exerting a lot of energy in putting up a shield, thus not living in and at our optimum; and secondly in doing so resisting what ‘upgrade’ it needed to bring to us, and also preventing other things from entering us too – therefore also preventing them from preforming there ‘upgrades’ within us as well (and I say ‘upgrade’, because like computer software, we too need constant ‘upgrading’ in life; otherwise we are not learning and growing, only staying static). Life is about our own personal growth and self-discovery, thus fulfilment; therefore blocking ‘upgrades’ is defeating our purpose of life. Thus we do need these upgrade in life; whether they come from “good” experiences or “bad” is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things; the experiences are only there for us to learn and grow from, they are not good or bad in and off themselves (see my "Finding Gratitude" post to explore more into this subject). When we hold on to things, we hold on to those energies. These clogged up energies then prevent our own energy from flowing freely within us. They then over time become stagnant, this stagnant energy then affects the cells it is housed in and around. Left long enough dis-eases starts to set in. Because these cells are not able to vibrate at their optimum, they stop working at there optimum; eventually it can even lead to pathology and then, pathological changes in the tissues. We have to let go of these energies that we are holding on to. They were brought to us as a life lesson, not a life sentence. Let go of them. They will do you no good to hold on to them; and this applies for both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ‘energies’. Don’t cling on to the past. The more you hold on to the past, the more you will find you are not here in the present. Life is not what has happened or what is going to happen. Life only exists in the now. This is where life is happening and unfolding living and breathing; reconnect with your physical in the now. Again, no surprise why breathing is a big thing these days. A lot of work is being done with breathe work these days, because it brings us back into our bodies - into the now, into the present moment were we are literally living and breathing. Also not something which is new. Our ancestors knew the importance of becoming and staying present. Remember just because they didn’t have “modern” technologies does not mean they too have not “lived”! Like we say to our kids: been there done that, they too can say that they too have been there and done that in all their experiences of life too. Despite the “modernisation”, and upgrades that have come with it, that we have implemented into daily life, the human being and its ‘human-nus’ has not changed one bit. When it comes to letting go of stagnant energies and shields, we can come to it ourselves through insights which allow us to let go of those stagnant energies; or we can come to it through therapeutic tools: the Chinese medicine ways unblock energy; the Ayurvedic ways unblock energies; reading and listening to the Quran unblocks energies; Homeopathy, (the energy waves medicine) also unblocks energies. It does not matter how you go about it, so long as you do go about it. I want to also just add another thing here. Unclogging the energy is one thing, but to prevent it happening again we have to change our ways; and to do so we need to change our way of looking at and receiving life. 'Old ways don't open new doors'! We need to break the pattern; and this can only come from insights. A raised consciousness to understand that we don't need these crutches or coats. The only one stopping us from becoming us and living our best life is us ourselves. We don't need daily affirmation and meditations we need a realization. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against meditating or affirmations, what I am trying to elude to is that, that is us trying to convince ourselves again and again. We don't need convincing when we already believe and know it. Implementing better practices can give us a better life, but better understanding gives us better practices as a “side effect”. The difference is for one you have to work hard at changing yourself, it's a slow “forced” change, the other is a side effect that comes from just a different understanding. "Insights", insight change. Being healthy does not need to be and should not be hard work; being healthy comes naturally from better understanding. ... Its all about “energy”; its quality and its flow. Energy Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed. It’s the law of Physics. Transform your energy to a new, better frequency. To receive we must first emit… To connect to higher frequencies, we must first emit them to start off with. Literally: We are with what we connect! Much Love to you all. X |
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April 2024