Homeopathy is for all – it’s a way of life not a treatment.
Homeopathy is not the “name” of a “treatment type”, it is a practice, it is an art, it is a way of living and the way of life. Homeopathy is born from and of nature, it abides by the rules of nature. Despite being the Science of life, “Science” and scientist are often baffled by it thus claiming it to be a “placebo effect”. But where I ask is the placebo effect when a baby benefits from the art of Homeopathy; where is the placebo effect when an animal benefits from the practice of homeopathy; where is the placebo effect when a plant finds its strength from the miracles of homeopathy? Homeopathy like the other phenomenon of the natural world is difficult to decipher, yet simultaneous is mind blowingly simple. In fact that is where the beauty lies, it’s so simple that one cannot understand how it can be. Something does not have to be overly complicated to be incredibly powerful. Power lies not in the complexities, but simply by being profoundly effective; and that is why homeopathy despite appearing to be baffling is exceedingly simple, yet incredibly effective. Moreover the other beauty: you do not need to believe in it for it to work; the Sun does not need you to believe in it for it to exist and give out its radiant warmth and light to you, it is just giving it out and you will just receive it, regardless of whether you believe it understand or in fact even want it. You can even attempt to lock yourself away from the Sun into a cold dark room, yet the effects of the Sun’s energy, presence and ability will still reach you – life cannot exist on earth if there was no Sun and if it was not of the exact nature that it is. The laws of nature are so simple that we overlook it. Nature is designed for all of us to live, survive and thrive in it, irrespective of our capacities to understand it. Someone who has never seen a written word has equal access to the bounties of nature to one who has read and written ten thousand books. Sometimes we get so carried away with trying to figure out what is it in something that enables its actions that we miss the fact that it is not dependant on the why or how or our capacities of deciphering the whys and hows, for it to be able to have the actions it does. We try to go in so deep into the depths of every chemical present in every cell that we actually miss the real picture; hyper analysis, classifications, deductions are all well for wanting to understand the ins and outs of how and why, however, it often makes us miss the real marvel which is the actual action itself. It is not important that to get from A to Z the route taken in this example was via PQ and R, It could have been WX and Y , or BC and D what is important and what actually matters is that you get to Z. Z is the important thing to always remember. And that is the most profound difference between Allopathic and Homeopathic practices. Allopathy busiest itself with deciphering the PQ and R’s in hope that deciphering it mean it can be replicated, controlled and magnified; meanwhile Homeopathy looks only at the Z, because it knows in the grand scheme of things the rest is irrelevant, because it could have taken any route, the route it took was not important the result it produced is the real key. The law that IS Homeopathy: LIKE CURES LIKE It is not how it has come to be that matters, all that matters is that it is what it is. If I am a ‘Z’ and it is a ‘z’ that is all that is important, not why or how it is a ‘z’. All I need to know is that it is a ‘z’ that is it. It being a ‘z’ is all I need to remind myself how to be a ‘z’ as well, because when we are no longer in our full element, we sometimes forget how to get back to being in our full element so all we need is a little nudge; a gentle reminder; for something to show us how to get back to ourselves, and that is enough to get us back on track. It is not any external stimuli that “fixes us”; WE “fix” ourselves, by remembering how to be ourselves. Thus, as I said before: it really does not matter what route anything has taken to get to ‘Z’, because we are not dependant on one fixed route to allow us to get to ‘Z'; we already know how we ourselves can get to ‘Z’, we just need reminding that that is where we are trying to go. Our bodies are what heals us, homeopathy, just helps us get back on track so that we can reach our destination.
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April 2024