What is it that we are buying into, what is that we are living by?
They, the ‘powers that be’, that use media to program society and its thoughts, keep push certain ideas and agendas and processes upon us; and we do not even realise the subtle programming that is happening through: every advert, every tv show, every book, every article, every movie, every poster. We are unaware of the conditioning that we are constantly undergoing. There is a huge push for certain body types, a push to thinking that these body types are healthy. But the question is, MY QUESTION IS, what is health? Is health the absences of diseases? Is health living a long life? Is health having an athletic built body? What is health? And I think this really is the question we all need to be truly asking ourselves… what is health? Is being diseases free having health, or is the desire to be diseases free stemming from our fear of death and suffering? Is having an athletically fit body, health; or is this desire stemming from our programming to think a) if I am athletic, I am going to be less prone to diseases (going back to the points above) or b) if I am of this build, I will look younger/ more desirable? The problem, in my opinion, is that there is a whole agenda against ageing. Well actually when we are children we cannot wait to grow up and society is constantly pushing us to make our children ‘grow up’ faster, and when we are adults there is a huge push for us wanting to stay young. Its like we want to be forever 21. And there are several reasons for this. a) we are old enough to be ‘our own boss’, b) young enough that we do not have any responsibilities c) we look and are desirable d) we want to and do spend all the time carefree partying. Now back to the “powers that be”, they love this age group (or there abouts) because they spend the most money, they do not want to settle down and have a family, they make and get into trouble. Its all about destabilizing society and making the most money in the process. They do not want you to settle down and have a family, because family life brings stability and contentment in life. They don’t want you to be content, if you are content, you will not spend money. They don’t want traditional family settings where everyone has their own space and place in the family and they feel loved and cared for. They want you to feel insecure, they want families to break up because then you spend more money. More money on housing, more money on making yourself feel desired, more money on drowing away your emotions and depression, more money on wiping away your guilt you have towards your children for not being there for them the whole time, more money competing with your ex for your children’s love, attention and favouritism. More money winning over your children’s love and loyalty. More money simply chauffeuring the kids between the two houses and more money on yourselves to feel younger and desirable to get a new partner more money on therapy, more money on children’s therapy both now and when they are older. You and I are just money-making machines for these “powers that be”. Let me ask you, what is wrong with growing old? When we grow up, have a family, look after the family and we start getting “weathered” by life, what is so wrong with that? Who is it that you want and need to attract? When does a child love their mother because of what she looks like? Seriously, where and when have you ever seen a child want to not love their mother who is a “perfect” motherlike personality, but she just is not looking like she is 18 anymore? Like serious when? What child would not love their mother and I mean truly love their mother just because she is starting to grey and has ‘excess’ fat around her body? What grandchild does not love their grandmother? Who, ever looks or thinks ‘oh my grandma is not loveable because she is fat?’ Like seriously! When you think of and look at your grandmother do you see her unconditional love or do you think: yuck wrinkles and saggy skin? Like seriously? Do you see her beautiful radiant smile filling you with energy or do you see her missing teeth? What ideals are we living by really? Are they really our ideals? Are they the ideals that we want to really live by? What a society we would be if we didn’t have our grandmothers and grandfathers! Can you imagine how gloomy this world and life would truly be? Grandparents are the power house of love that drive this world around. Pure, unconditional, want to spoil rotten, ball of love. That is all that they are meant to be. They are not meant to be the next top model, they are not meant to run the 100-meter Olympic dash, they are not meant to be anything other than being a grandparent. Yes, some of them may still be working and that is fine, some of them maybe in the fields of sport and media and that is also fine, it’s their choice of what they want to be in life. But having a choice is the important part here. Having true freedom to choose, but sadly with all of our conditioning it is becoming less and less possible to have true choice. It all comes back to what is health, true health? We want health of the body, but we forget that health of the body is connected with health of the heart and mind, i.e. the soul. Nature has its ways because that is what life’s cycle needs When we are small, we need shelter and protection; a loving, guiding hand of a father, a loving, nurturing lap of a mother. As we mature and bloom, we need an external connection with another, with this connection we then bring opportunity for new life; the seeds of which must make their own new home under the shade and care of the formers. As we grow, we spread ourselves out and find our own space to settle in to, to nurture and develop both ourselves and our young; and so, the circle of life continues. And one day like those before us we too will mature, age and grow old and eventually life will breathe out from us allowing us to return back to that which we came from. If we do not let go of what has been, we cannot go towards what which will be and experience that what is. Listen to the natural world, the natural way of life, it is calling us back to simplicity, calling us back to truth and reality. Pain is not the same thing as suffering and neither suffering the same as pain. Know and understand the difference. We can have one without the other, and one despite the absences of the other. Do we suffer because we have pain, or do we have pain because we suffer? Is it the old chicken and the egg scenario; but in truth, that never really was a question to start off with. Allah created man to populate the earth, not an embryo; He created plants, not seeds to fill the earth; He created animals not eggs to embellish the earth. Our souls suffer which plays out as pain, and then in turn we suffer more because of both the pain and the origin of said pain. But why do we suffer to begin with? Do we have to suffer? To have challenges in life, is the nature of life, but to suffer due to said challenges is a choice.
We have a fake idealistic perception of the expression of love which we have blindly bound to by the rules of some writer’s fantasy of how one should shower love.
Then we take this writer’s ruler meter of how to’s and harshly judge our partners lowly; when the truth is they do not even know what it is that they are not measuring up to because they read a different writer’s fantasy and are working towards achieve said fantasy and not the one we are measuring them by. So how may I ask is this right, fair or even holding any sense? Why should we live by anyone’s else prescribed fantasy firstly and why should we not be appreciated for any expression of love irrespective of whose fantasy it is!?! Imagination is good, reading is good, watching tv (can also be argued) is good; however, when we start to allow these things to cloud our judgment and not see the forest for the tress this is when its bad! When our partners do something, say something, give something, think of us in regards to something, we need to see it for what it is, their unique way of expressing their unique love for us. We do not all love the same man or women, everyone has a slight different preference for who and how their life partner should be. SO just like our choices are different in choosing our companion, our way of expressing care and love for that individual will also carry its own flavour… Not everyone loves red roses, yes, believe it or not it’s not everyone’s most loved flower, yet we are very quick to measure up someone’s lack of giving it to us as a sign that they don’t “love us”… really?!? In fact some people don’t have any interest in flowers one bit (I mean in receiving flowers) but because society dictates we should give flowers it becomes a customary obligation. Why? Is it so wrong that a girl does not really fancy flowers to be “spoiled” with but rather fancies a quiet walk along the beach or a thrilling sky diving experience, or maybe a camping trip in to the mountains or woods… or a guy does not fancy a new set of cufflinks instead prefers some planters or a new shirt or a romantic night in with candles and bath-bombs? Some men (and women) may still prefer to hold doors open, or pick up the bill, it does not mean they are trying to be offensive. It all comes back down to getting to know and understand the people around us. When we connect with and understand the person then we know if someone is doing something out of their feelings in their heart or if someone is trying to make an “offensive” gesture. Someone may be just giving you some personal space out of respect and care for you, but if you don’t look at the genuinity of the person’s gesture you can mistake it for “ignoring” you. We tend to just take everything in extremes and not give the other the benefit of doubt and actually explore into the other’s reasons for their actions, or lack thereof. Start seeing the forest for the trees! |
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April 2024