Discover my “Ahaa Moments” here – Bite sized Nuggets Facilitating New Perspectives and Inspiring Wellness. Expanding the Consciousness ... Every moment, every place, everything and everyone is my teacher; I listen and learn and grow, then pass on the nuggets from my growth to others. Learning is lost if not past on, Wisdom is wasted if not acted upon. #lifelessons #Wisdom 16/4/23 Life is my teacher. This is why I tag my posts as #LifeLessons Sometimes people ask me have you read this book or this author; most of the time the answer is probably 'no'. But today let me ask you, who did they (those authors) read? They too learnt from #life the #BestTeacher ... And it's not that I would not want to read the suggestions, or I think I don't need it - I would love to one day. But my point is to point out how much life itself can teach us if we are open to seeing the lessons. #BecomeMorePresent #LiveAndLearnFromEverything 11/5/23 I don’t want you to need me, I want you to realise you are enough by yourself. #SelfBelief. #SelfDiscovery #BecomeYourself #OwnYourself #EmobodyYourself .... 2/5/23 Often we're quick to criticise people, yet often forget to appreciate. If you value certain people in your life, do take the time to tell them how important/valued/appreciated they are. You never know what they maybe going through & how your words of positivity can lift them. 2/5/23 People often criticise others & they may even do it with the belief that they are helping them, yet their criticism is not constructive rather destructive. This type of toxic “help” is of no help. Build up others, don’t put them down, for the growth of 1 is the growth of us all. 14/5/23 Often we’re quick to give of ourselves, but struggle to receive; both are important. People feel guilty to receive, but it’s the way of life. If we don’t receive, how can we keep giving? The reserves will eventually run dry. We’re a channel – receive to give. #lifelessons ... If no one was not open to receiving, who would you give of yourself to? Like energy needs to keep flowing in our body, so too it needs to keep flowing in the social body of life & earth. Keep the flow flowing, don’t block it from either end of your vesical selves. #EnergeticLife 24/5/23 Not every famours person is great & not every great person is famous. Fame is not a marker for greatness; greatness is the mark in & of itself, despite whether anyone knows of the greatness. Be great for the sake of being great, not for being “known” as great. #LifeLessons 25/5/23 Don’t put up with the attitude life gives you, give it some attitude back. We cannot control what life deals us. Don’t wait for a better hand, it might never come; play smarter with the hand you get dealt. It’s how you play the game that brings in the winning runs. #LifeLessons 28/5/23 Life is not about knowing it will work out, it’s about believing it will. If Allah SWT shows us the means first & then we take that first step, where is the faith? If He keeps the means hidden & we still take that first step, that is showing our #faith in Him. #LifeLessons 25/11/21 Financial abundance comes not from money, but your mind, believe you have it & it manifests! Why because the enabling factor of financial abundance is not physical money, but Allah SWT. Your belief in His provisions is what enables them. Believe and you shall receive insha'Allah! 6/6/23 Every #vibration leaves it’s effects, no matter how big or small, noticeable or unnoticeable. Be mindful of what you are putting out there. You receive in response to what you put out. Energy does not know the difference between sarcasm, jokes & wishes. #LifeLessons #frequency 8/6/23 Journeys come in all forms and it’s not what the journey is or where it’s to, but the fact that you take it, is the most important thing. #LifeLessons #FindingYourself #SelfDiscovery #JourneyOfLife #LifePath 24/6/23 Don’t build walls, build bridges. 24/6/23 What we need in every moment we face is already inside of us. You will never reach a moment where you lack the resources to face the demands of the moment. #fact #lifelessons #faith 27/6/23 Words can be strung together to say anything that the mind wants, but emotions cannot be hidden, manipulated or disguised; our being finds a way to express it no matter how much the mind tries to prevent it. #LifeLessons ... If one really wants they can see through any person’s words & read the real emotions that are there plain as day to be seen & heard. Often it is ourselves who don’t really want to hear, either our own or, anyone else’s emotional conversations; so we turn a blind eye to them. ... But that does not mean they are not there to be seen & heard. 27/6/23 A mother hears not the words her children say, she listens to what her child’s soul is telling her. But from a dot the child has grown inside of her, how can she not know every emotion the child says. She may not always say, but she always knows and feels it all. #MothersIntuition 3/3/20 The things about friends is when you get together you realise that time does not exist between friendships. Frienships don’t age. Friendships are encapsulated outside of time-space. #friendship #timeless #laughter 27/6/23 People will always come and go in our life, we cannot control who will or won’t be in it or when or for how long. We have to rise above all that and build ourselves so that all these things become “nice-ities” not necessities! #LifeLessons 15/10/19 Sexy is a feeling, it is not restricted to or by body type or size. Stop Body shaming! Let people enjoy themselves and life, if you are miserable doesn’t mean everyone has to be! #notobodyshaming #livehappy #sexyisafeeling 1/7/23 Deny all you want, but no one can deny or fake their biology. 6/2/23 Recalibrate your instruments, your looking for & measuring the wrong thing. #perspective #lifelessons #wellness #3principles #health #Wellbeing 11/9/21 Some people are born to be fabulous, full of elegant poise. They carry a touch of sophistication about them... Yeah well that ain't me! I'm just ordinary. I dress ordinary, talk ordinary and live ordinary. I live #life_unfiltered come join me and let's live it up #unfiltered! MAE OUT!
Are you still in the audience and watching the show they have put on, or have you finally stepped back stage and seen what’s really what. #FoodForThought #LettingGoOfTheIllusions .... 25/11/22 It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it. Don’t invest in high end brands, invest in your self growth. That’s where the confidence you seek hides. #lifelessons #personaldevelopment #YouAreEnough 2/12/22 Don't preach your beliefs, internalise them and live through them. It's not what we say, but what we do that changes the world! #LifeLessons #Selfdevelopment #selfgrowth #bethemessage 2/12/22 It's not what's written in the pages, but how you interpret it that dictates how it influences and changes you. It's not the words that are powerful, but the mind that reads them! #LifeLessons #learnandgrow #thepowerfulself 6/12/22 Life isn't about pleasing people, it's about finding who you are. Discover, embrace and thrive in your true self. #LifeLessons #fizaclub #personaldevelopment 8/12/22 It's easy to be a pearl, be the string that connects the pearls. #lifelessons 8/12/22 Burn down lots of things will, rise from said ashes only the phoenix will. #lifelessons 15/12/22 #Question is there such thing as an "unforgivable sin"? Or is it the person whom you cannot forgive? #FoodForThought #HumanPyschology #TheHumanMind 15/12/22 Look at the finer details while still holding the bigger picture in mind! #lifelessons #fizaclub 23/12/22 They say only a diamond can cut a diamond. So if you want yourself to be "cut right", to fulfill your potential to shine your brightest, surround yourself with the right people. #LikeCuresLike #HomeopathyInAction #LifeLessons #LifeWisdom #fizaclub 23/12/22 Health does not come from protocols, it comes from understanding! Learn about real health and wellness, not scaffolded health. It's a different way of looking at life, not a different way of managing calories, diet plans or workout routines. #DiscoverTrueWellness #LifeLessons 25/12/22 This Holiday Season make it about healing. Healing whatever needs healing your: heart, mind, soul or connections. For through this, real healing can take place. To get to #wellness, #TrueWellness, get to the true cause of discomfort. #HappyHolidays #HappyHealing #ToHealth 5/1/23 The brightest smiles have had the toughest rides. Don't be fooled by the mask, peer into the eyes, they have a whole other story to tell. #SecretStories #LifeLessons #BrokenHearts #BraveFaces #MuskurateChehreBheegiPalken 13/1/23 People don't like it when someone talks about their pain/suffering, branding them as weak or insufficient to cope. However, those that speak about it, do so because they are strong enough to. Those that shoot it down are not strong enough to face pain, their own or anyone elses. 13/1/23 Something new can look beautiful, but equally so can something that is weathered - it has its own unique & priceless beauty. A young girl can hold a pure & innocent beauty, but equally an old woman can have beauty radiating from her poise & grace. Be and become. #lifelessons 13/1/23 An ordinary thing can rise to the ranks of extraordinary, because of the story that is holds. Precious is not the object, but the memories and stories that it encases in its history. Everything can have a story to tell, we just need to be willing to hear it. #lifelessons 13/1/23 Don't build a wall to protect yourself, build yourself. You don't need a fort for protection, you need only yourself to protect yourself. Invest your time and energy in the right place, and discover your strength. #lifelessons 13/1/23 To get respect, first you need to give respect. To get trust, you first need to give trust. To get love... Give and you shall receive. #HomeopathyInAction #LikeCuresLike To receive the transmissions, first we need to be tuned into the right frequency ourselves. 13/1/23 You cannot save someone who is drowning by joining them in their drowning. They need support, not a drowning partner. #FoodForThought #LifeLessons #thoughtoftheday 15/1/23 A wise man once told me, the more you shine your light, the bigger the shadow it casts... The more we try to help others, the more we need to help ourselves. There can be no light if there was no darkness, opposites are essential, otherwise nothing would exist. #lifelessons 15/1/23 Not everyday you will feel the same strength inside of you. But equally, not everyday you will feel the same weaknesses. Take each day as it comes, we don't have to fight for tomorrow today too, we just have to be the strongest we can in each and every moment. #Lifegoeson 18/1/23 Nothing heals like a good old fashioned healthy, honest conversation. Don't be afraid to speak up about all that you need to. In the famous words of Shrek, it's better out that in. #lifelessons #healing #conversations #mentalhealth 19/1/23 Is there such thing as "#toxiclove"? Can love ever be toxic? Or is it the actions of people that are toxic? Love is a pure and beautiful emotion. Don't confuse the emotion with people's actions. #lifelessons .... Also again: the actions of people; not the people themselves! It's very important to differentiate! It is not the emotion or the people who are toxic, but the actions that they sometimes take. Condemn the action not the person or emotion. ... Our belief systems determine our narratives; our narratives determine the situation; the situation determines the actions. We are but a product and sum of our histories. No one action can be isolated, it is but a product of a chain. A chain that spans beyond our own lifetimes. 19/1/23 #Change is not a bad thing. Change is essential for progress. Without change things become stagnant. Change is inevitable and necessary and the only thing guaranteed in life. Don't fight it, welcome it and embrace it. #lifelessons 25/1/23 Don't try to be someone else, someone else already is that. Be yourself. The world does not need two of anybody, it needs one of everybody! #LifeLessons #beyourself #ownyourself #ownyourstyle You are here today alive in this world, because the world needs you! Be You! 25/1/23 Own your corners! Don't try to be a circle, when you are a square. #ItsHip2BSquare #LifeLessons #NoNeed2fitIn #ownyourself #BeAuthentic 26/1/23 #Life - the biggest show you will ever put on, no matter your style or genre, walk out on to the stage like you own it & claim your moments. Own yourself & showcase it to the world. Be proud & loud. Not everyone will vibe to your vibes- they don't have to. Vibe for those that do. 3/2/23 Anything can be safe & at the same time anything can be dangerous; it is not the "thing" that is important, rather how it is used. In order to understand how to use something well, we must first learn by actually using it. There is no better teacher than #experience. #lifelessons 19/2/23 We are never late or early, only always on perfect time. We do not run on 'our' schedule, but our schedule of life that Allah SWT has set in place and this is always perfectly precise. #lifelessons 22/2/23 Often people new to #homeopathy try it once & say, it didn't work for me. That's like saying a bandage didn't work for me; it's not the fault of the bandage if the right bandage isn't applied in the right way for the respective wound. Sometimes we need to try a few more bandages. 1/3/23 Sculpt; paint; draw; doodle your subconscious mind into better organisation. When we immerse ourselves into a creative process, we unlock an opportunity for the subconscious tangled thoughts to get untangled. #lifelessons #wellness #psychoemotionalhealth #hiddenhealing 6/3/23 What is the biggest thing we fear - judgment. However, in reality that is the least harmful thing to us; yet we give it so much power over us that it gets inflated into this vicious monster out to get us. ... Other people's opinions cannot make us into something we are not, yet by giving into the fear of judgment we are letting them dress us up in a costume that they have concocted for us. Take off the costume! We are not who they say we are, we are who we actually truly are! 13/3/23 Clarity in thought comes from clarity of the soul. Be still and allow yourself to become clear. #Stillness #Mindfulness #SoulfulLiving #SoulfulPresence #BecomingClear #LifeLessons 14/3/23 #Perspective creeps up on us and smacks us right in the face at the most unexpected times leaving us gobsmacked on how we missed something so obvious and right under our nose. #insight #ExpandedConscience #LifeLessons 14/3/23 Growth happens in the space of silence and stillness. Don't be afraid to grow. Don't be afraid to be in "inactivity". Inactivity, allows a different realm of activity. #LifeLessons #growth #inactivity #ancientwisdoms #Tao 18/3/23 Wisdom is different to knowledge. Wisdom does not need to be implemented, just understood. Understanding changes our perspective, helping us think differently. When you think differently, you automatically do things differently, you don't have to work to change how you do things. 18/3/23 We receive what we send out. It's not magic, it's not coincidence, it's frequency. Resonate at the frequency of where it is you want to be, then what you want to be will be... #LifeLessons 18/3/23 We do not need a piece of paper to show we have experienced something, the growth we have had from each experience is enough. Each experience changes us, whether we are open enough to see the change or not, does not matter. #LearnGrowLive #LifeLessons #ForeverEvolvingLife 19/3/23 Immerse yourself in all kinds of learning, but don't focus too much on the protocols/techniques laid out, let the knowledge & wisdom bring forth #NewInsights For it's not these protocols that you need to change your life, but the #Insights & as a result of it the #InnateWisdoms 19/3/23 We don't need to change our life, we need to change our understanding of life. When our awareness rises our understanding shifts, enabling us to live life differently. We don't have to work at changing our life, it becomes a side effect of our raised #consciousness #LifeLessons 14/6/22
Come, sit with me a while. There is much to come of it. #MindfulPresence... Expanding Horizons... Where you are, determines what you see; to change what you see, change where you are... Widen the gaze... 18/2/22 I am not suddenly going to be what I am to become, I already am who I am going to be, but everyday I discover a little bit more about all that I am able to be. You are not a result of the destination you reach, but the sum of the journey you have taken. #lifeisthejourney 1/3/22 One is always the: hero/heroine; victim; & saviour all at once in our own story, but possibly the villan in someone elses'! The story always goes how the teller wants it to go. Who you are in a story always depends on who is telling the story. #perspective #agenda 1/3/22 Life is never going to be #pictureperfect but be willing to put it up proudly on display anyway! Striving for perfection is the same as striving to find the end of a bottomless pit, it does not exist! Strive only to be better than you were the moment before. #LifeLessons 7/4/22 #Knowledge is for spreading. The more you spread it, the more that comes of it. A #community that #learns_together #grows_together #lifelessons #personaldevelopment 29/4/22 You will never be more than you already are, you already are all that you are ever going to be; the only question is how far have you travelled on the road of #selfdiscovery. With each passing day, each hurdle overcome, each lesson learnt, one uncovers a little bit more of who they are. Keep #learning, #growing and #living for we still have a lot of ourselves left to meet. 29/4/22 Don't underestimate the power of failure, for without it there can be no growth. Travelling the same paths take us to the same destinations. To get to new places, new paths have to be explored; some will work and some won't, but you can only know if you dare to go. #LifeLessons 8/5/22 When we speak we have two choices, to build someone and to destroy someone. Choose wisely. If you send destructive energy out, destruction is exactly what you get. If you send positive building up energy, it consequences just that. #BuildUpTheWorldAroundYou 8/5/22 If your driving style causes parts to be damaged, merely replacing them isn't going to "solve the problem", you will be back to square 1 again in no time. What needs to change is the damaging driving style. Your body's "damage" is a result of your living style, addressing the symptoms can't solve the problem, what needs to change is your living style. #HealthIsASideEffectOfHealthyLiving 9/5/22 Being present in the present is not always an easy ask. But if your mind is absent from there in where you are, what is the point of being there where you are. Let's embark on truly living shall we. Don't just embody the moment, fully let yourself land in it. #LifeLessons 9/5/22 Who can know His creations better than the AlMighty Creator Himself. Allah-o-Akber! Surely we are Allah's and to Him we shall surely return. Inna lillahi wa Inna elaihi rajioon. The Holy Quran 2:156 A phrase often said in loss, but truth be in it non the less! Allah-o-Akber! 10/5/22 Ills relay there's a story hidden within the depths of the soul, which is holding one back & stopping 'em from becoming whole. Come, let's sit & chat. Let's find out where you are at. I'll put the kettle on, come on in, relax. #Healing lives not in tools but in conversations 13/5/22 Homeopathy, dental balance, etc are all tools that unlock the room where our demons reside, unlocking 'em doesn't rid us of 'em, we still have to walk into the room & face them. You don't have to take this journey alone, we can jump in together & weather this storm. #TrueHealing 13/6/20 Homeopathy does not cure “diseases”, it removes road blocks from your path of self fulfillment- a path that not only requires one to have a healthy body, but a healthy mental, emotional, spiritual and physical being. #homeopathy #healing #naturalhealth #healthandwellness #Health 13/5/22 Living happens in the journey, don't focus your energy too much on goal posts or milestones - the "landmarks" on your journey. There lies much to be explored, enjoyed and experienced every step of the way. #LifeLessons #LiveEveryBreath 13/5/22 We cannot #TrulyHeal from anything if we do not allow ourselves to #TrulyFeel and live through those feelings that we have locked away. The anger or sorrow or fear or whatever other feelings that we hide within us, box with them a part of who we are as well. #FreeYourself & Feel 24/5/22 Conversations are where the thinking, growing and healing happen. #MentalHealthAwarenes #LifeLessons #selfgrowth #healing 30/5/22 The road to recovery is never a straight one, esp. for #MentalWellness. Some days you may make progress other days you may go backwards, but the important thing to remember is to keep working on it, because you only ever really loose the battle when you give up. #Mentalhealth 3/6/22 If you have to cut out trigger ppl from your life to "live in peace", have you truly really healed from them?? #WhatIsTrueHealing #EmotionalHealth #MentalHealth 3/6/22 The test of #TrueHealing is to stand in company of our triggers and not be triggered by their attempted trigging. That is when we truly have sealed our wounds; anything short and we are still being an ostrich. #LetUsHeal #MentalHealth #EmotionalTraumas #EmotionalHealth 3/6/22 Not everyone has the option to escape ones' #EmotionalTrauma triggers. Escaping them is not the answer, it's a coping mechanisms. Growing to a strength and place where those triggers bare no significance in our life is the answer. #MentalStrength #emotionalintelligence 3/6/22 Forgiving one who hurts us & then "choosing" to stay away from them doesn't show healing from them; it shows wounds that are still raw. Our wounds can only truly heal & seal if we can find & understand the weakness within us that allowed a wound to manifest in the first place. 3/6/22 To over come our triggers we need to understand what is it inside of us that allows for this trigger to take hold of us. It is not the person who triggers us we need to remove, but the "weakness" inside of us that allows for the trigger to take hold. #MentalStrength 1/12/19 Teen-agers & Tantrums and toddlers &tantrums so very real, but so very pure. See past the tantruming to find what really is troubling the teen and the toddler, often it’s still the very real and same thing. Being Overwhelmed. #tantrums 5/6/22 One day what we write the world may read; but we write not for the world, but only because we bleed... 12/6/22 Our clients force us to look at a part of ourselves that we are not looking at; through the remedies they display the need of, they invite us to read a remedy picture we actually need to see for ourselves. Literally, like cures like! #homeopathy profound wisdom 12/6/22 We see not any situation as it is, but rather as our thinking allows us to see it. Thus 2 people in the same boat experience the journey in very different ways due to their thoughts that shape the experience. What are you projecting onto a situation? 12/6/22 We live but through our thoughts. 07 Jun 2020 Taste is more than flavours. You change the experience, you change the taste. #food #experience #foodismorethanflavours 13/6/22 Every experience/conversation/moment, is an experience we need in order for us to walk down the path we are meant to walk down. 28/6/22 Life is never #PicturePerfect, but be wiling to put it up proudly on display anyway. #BeautyIsNotSkinDeep 28/6/22 The sun and breeze, they play a song and dance with the trees, one that only the grass beneath them sees. #nature #life #MelodyOfNature 10/7/22 Words bead together to catch the essence of thought, to relay the magic of the moment that had been conjured up in a brainstorm that had brewed. 10/8/22 Acquiring knowledge is one thing, knowing what to do with the knowledge acquired is whole other thing all together. #education #intelligence 23/9/22 One grows because of what the community brings to them, As a result of this growth of one, the community, in turns grows too. 27/9/22 Cure can only happen when you let it happen. The only thing preventing cure is you, yourself. No medicine, no herb, no therapy can cure you; they can only provide an avenue for cure. Ultimately it is only you who can cure yourself, because it is you who is the obstacle to cure 15/10/22 Let life live on, for that is what it wants, need and pleads. Move on with life too, for it wants to move on with you. Holding on to hurts only prolongs them, life wants to teach you lessons & help you grow, not punish you! Don't punish yourself, learn and grow. #lifelessons 02/11/22 I’m a periscope; I place mirrors in certain vantage points to help you reflect through them to enable you to see through a different lens and give yourself a new perspective. #Perspective #LifeLessons #Selfdevelopment #fizaclub Much to see; much to do; much to say; much more left still to bring to you:
06/2/21 When one seeks to buy an item in “#fashion”, it is not the item we want in reality, but the CONFIDENCE that comes with it. #Confidence is not sold on shelves my friends, so stop trying to buy it. Develop it, nurture it and own it! #personaldevelopment #lifelessons 23/2/21 Learn for the joy of learning, not for the pressure of proving. A pressure cooker can only take in so much eventually giving way, releasing all it’s gained. Slow smoking absorbs in everything slowly, deepening it’s richness & flavours. #learnforthejoyoflearning #knowledge 23/2/21 It’s not bits of paper that define who you are, it’s how you meet the world each day that shows what you are. Don’t rely on paper to be your advocate, live each moment with your personal stamp on it! #LifeLessons #liveit 24/2/21 Every once in a while spend time with a ball of yarn, it has so much to share with you. #LifeLessons #yarncaneducate #tanglewithwool #lifes_secrets #reflect #learn #grow #taking_care_of_lifes_strings 25/2/21 Before you step up to teach, think: truly what is the scope of my lessons, what is the true size of my class room. Your audience may be those before you, but the reach of your teachings stretch for generations to come. Just let that sink in. #education #teaching #LifeLessons 4/3/21 Read the message, not the words. #LifeLessons #fizaclub 4/3/21 Every kind gesture to every one person, is one heart held for a few moments. #KindnessMatters #Kindness 4/3/21 Nothing wrong with being human. Own it. We are flawlessly flawed by design, wear the flaws, like the moon. Those that look for beauty see the moon’s smile beeming down, those that don’t see it’s sadness radiating out. You can’t choose what others look for. #LifeLessons 3/5/21 You are always a “nobody” until you are not, but you are always a “somebody” even if your not. #FoodForThought #mondaythoughts 18/5/21 If you churn out content, for the sake of churning out content, you lose the value of what you have to say when you have to say it. Don’t fall pray the social media world, live by your own standards. #personaldevelopment #FoodForThought #fizaclub # TuesdayThoughts 19/5/21 A plate of food is more than the sum of its ingredients. It’s the means through which we can transfer good intensions, well wishes, love & care to our family. Energy is neither created nor destroyed only transferred! What will you feed your family today? #FoodIsForTougthtnSoul 2/6/21 Health is not the absence of illness, but rather the ability to adapt to change. Life is not for surviving, but thriving. 10/6/21 It’s easy to smile when you are in company, but can you smile in solitude? It’s easy to put on a brave face and reflect light hitting you, but can you radiate your own light from within? Can you brave the world with your real face, smile or otherwise. #reflections #LifeStories 10/6/21 We all hold things that we really shouldn’t. What’s the monster in your closet? Is it time you released yourself from it’s up-keep? Is it time you freed you soul from all that weighs it down? #LifeStories #lifecoaching 11/6/21 If you can only be one thing in life, be authentic. Be authentic to your true self. You are enough and the flavour you bring is not only necessary, but unique to only you! ❤️ #embrace_yourself #be_authentic #LifeLessons #personaldevelopment 7/10/21 The journey from "milk 'n cookies", to "tea & cakes", is a delicious one on all counts. Savour it! #LifeLessons 1/11/21 No one else [AND I REPEAT NO ONE ELSE] is living your life, dealing with your hurdles & #Healthchallenges... 5/11/21 Quote of the day: "To gaze at beauty is not to experience it" -Rudolf Steiner "Truth, Beauty and Goodness" A lecture by Rudolf Steiner Dornach, January 19, 1923... 9/11/21 You take my kindness as my weakness. You take my silence as my weakness. You take my forgiveness as my weakness. So be it! My weakness is me stepping aside for you to do as you please, say as you please, while I silently forgive you for them. Yes I maybe weak. But what are you? 12/11/21 Not everything I write about is my story, of now or before. It's my experiences of life and the thoughts that they implore. Looking closely at the lesson's of life is what I enjoy. Presenting my finds to the world is my passion. #lifelessons #personaldevelopment #selfgrowth 12/11/21 No matter what hurdles life throws you, know that they are never anything that you cannot handle. That is Allah SWT promise to us! Never forget that. #life #LifeLessons 17/11/21 The same sentence read at different times in your life can read very differently. This is because it's not the words, but where you are at that determines what you take away from a sentence. #LifeLessons #innerwork #personaldevelopment #personalreflections #wednesdaywisdoms 18/11/21 "We teach best what we most need to learn..." Ian Watson So profound and so very true! ❤️ Thank you for putting it so aptly! #teaching #theartofeducation #simplicityoflife The BulBul Once said on a forum no more, (for "twitter" is dead, and "X" marks the spot where the crime was committed and our freedom of choice was deleted):
16 Jun 2020 Sometimes we have to drift away from a dream in-order to come close to it. Steps in different directions are sometimes needed for your direction to your dream. Have faith in the plan and the best Planner! #dreams #lifedirections #pathways #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth 16 Jun 2020 Sometimes the destination of a dream is a lot bigger than it may first seem. We can not always see all that will be, for it to be. For if the flower is to bloom, first it must be connected to the plant, earth & elements. For alone it is but a moment in a journey. #personalgrowth 24 Jun 2020 You can not control the outside weather, so don’t try. You can harness the inside storm so tame it and ride it. #lifechallenges #LifeLessons #seethebrightside #silverlining #personaldevelopment 24 Jun 2020 When life gets you down, you need to get yourself up off the ground! The first step to help is knowing your need it! #LifeLessons #selfhelp #selfcare #personaldevelopment #aintnosuperman #beyourownhero 24 Jun 2020 No one else will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself! #selflove #LifeLessons #personaldevelopment #selfbelief 25 Jun 2020 Sometimes in the deep dark depths of today we can dive in and pull out a shining tomorrow. #life #LifeLessons #lifequotes #inspiration #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayMotivation 27 Jun 2020 With the number of schools rising in the world, illitercay is slowly going, yet the masses are still uneducated. Is that not saying something about the education system?? #foodforthought #thinkaboutit #letthatsimmer #education #schoolsystem #justthink #Time4CHANGE #think 08 Jul 2020 Live every week like a new adventure. Do something different every week, life will be exciting. #LifeLessons #wednesdaymorning #lookforwardtolife #positivethinking #lockdownmotivation #PositivePsychology 11 Jul 2020 Have some quiet time everyday, it brings peace and balance back into one’s life. #LifeLessons #silenceishealing #personalcare #selfcare #selfreflection #recalibrate #recharge #refresh #relax #selfhealing #meditate #selfabsorption 14 Jul 2020 Find your groove & uncover the genius within. #selfdiscovery #Genius 22 Jul 2020 Learning happens from the moment of conception, you don’t need to be at a place or age or ability. Learning is continuous and constant. You don’t need to prove your learning it is reflected in your whole being. #LearningNeverStops #learning #wednesdaymorning #LearningHuman 28 jul 2020 Indulge in some source or medium of humour everyday. Helps put things in perspective. #lifeisworthliving #humourismedicine #laughteristhebestmedicine #livelifeonthelighterside #donttakeyourselftooseriously #indulgeinhappiness #ahappylifeisablissfullife #smile #laugh #love #live 19 Aug 2020 One must always be ready to seek the #opportunist within- seek for #opportunity in each moment faced, good or bad, for surely there is opportunity for something in every moment! #thesilverlining #selfdevelopment #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment for life is but opportunity! 06 Sep 2020 Something maybe good for you, yet you struggle to see why Allah is keeping it from you. Have faith, it’s because Allah has something unimaginably perfect for you around the corner. Not every road is yours for the taking, your path is paved precisely to your fitting. 24 Nov 2020 It is in the stillness of it all where all the growing happens #stillness #silence #thoughtoftheday #Growth 04 Dec 2020 Health and fitness is not something to achieve, it’s a side effect of great living! #healthcare #healthandwellness #healthylifestyle #HealthyLiving #FridayThoughts #FridayMotivations #lifestyle #fizaclub 10 Dec 2020 Inspiration sprouts from but a single gesture of kindness 10 Dec 2020 Let your curiosity, passion and inspiration drive your hunger for learning. #education #inspiredlearning #ThursdayThoughts #steinereducation 10 Dec 2020 Let your passion guide your learning and not your learning guide your passion! #foodforthought #inspiredlearning 27 Dec 2020 Why is it that we feel anything?! Some days I think life would be so much more easier if we didn’t feel things when we didn’t want to. If we could just glaze over situations without it effecting us. Without us feeling any of the emotions! Then I remember, we would not be human! 03 Jan 2021 Never be afraid of spreading your wisdom for it only blossoms bigger and brighter. - a field of wild flowers grew from but a seed! #Wisdom #shareknowledge #spreadthelove #foodforthought #InspirationalQuotes #inspired #LifeLessons #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment 05 Jan 2021 It can take one second to start a rumour, but a century to clear it. Just take cholesterol and saturated fats for example, the whole world believes them to be bad because of one man’s incomplete analysis and understanding, decades later we are still trying to clear their names 05 Jan 2021 (cont) meanwhile the real culprit is let loose and runs rampant. We find it easy to believe the first statement even without evidence, yet struggle to believe subsequent evidences shouting the truth. Be mindful of what your say! 17 Jan 2021 Don’t force your thinking on to others. If you truly believe you are in the right, educate people and let them come to the understanding for themselves. For truth shall always prevail! If there is truth in your words, it will gleam out and shine the path to the right way. #truth 18 Jan 2021 Someone’s thoughts and teachings can not harm, only educate. Education comes in all forms & has all sorts of effects. Listening to someone’s point of view only to decide it definitely is not what you stand for, is a lesson learnt & an “education”. #Opinions #education #LifeLessons 28 Jan 2021 Good teachers teach the curriculum really well, great teachers shape your life! #teachers #greatteachers #education Some more notes from the old bird:
27 Mar 2020 Any one message is not for everyone, but every message is for someone. If it is not speaking to you, you don’t need to speak back. #socialmedia #conversations 30 Mar 2020 I was me before being me was a thing! 07 Apr 2020 We learn not by being told, but by doing, living & experiencing! Making mistakes & then adjusting, It’s a process, allow your children to flow through the process! #learning #education #education_is_everywhere #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayMotivation #children #allow_life_to_be #love 07 Apr 2020 You see a wastage of paper that is being cut up into tiny pieces by a pre-schooler, I see neuron connections and their strengthening! Perspective- enrich it! #learning #education #education_is_everywhere #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayMotivation #perspective #BrainFunction #brainhealth 07 Apr 2020 Contentment is not a choice, it’s a side effect! Happiness is not a place, it’s a choice. If you seek the bright side in everything, you are choosing to be happy regardless of the situation, if you choose happiness, contentment comes with the territory! #perspective #happiness 21 Apr 2020 Aao kuch baat karen, Aao kuch saath baitehn, Aao saath mil kar maan kuch halka karen. Emotions ko samajh kar suljah kar, Zindagi phir se gulzar karen- emotional companionship for everyday life happenings because life happens. #emotionalsupport 26 Apr 2020 Dusroon ke har kam mein achaiyan dhondo or Dekho, aur Apne har kam mein har Woh burai ko talaasho Jis se agli dafa Bach sakho. Dusron ki achiyon se aur apni buraiyon se seekho, ise he tarha Zindagi mein roz Kuch seekh Kar agai barho. #zindagimeinkuchseekho 26 Apr 2020 In every action of others search for the goodness, and in every action of one’s self search for the short comings. Learn from other’s greatness and your weaknesses, for that is the way for self growth! #selfgrowth #personaldevelopment #lifelessons #learneveryday 29 Apr 2020 Words that shape the world, are worth their weight in gold; but words that travel across a nation can not be bought or sold. #knowledge #freedom #wisdom #freeknowledge #moretolifethanmoney 05 May 2020 When you hit a wall in life, it is not there to stop you from going forward; it is there to make you stronger to either jump over or push it down, before you can keep moving forward. #lifelessons #personaldevelopment #fizaclub 05 May 2020 If you need a piece of paper to prove your education, then you are not living it, If your audience needs a paper to fathom your worth, then they are not the educated. Education and the educated are not two of the same. #educateabouteducation 05 May 2020 If you look for the light, you will find it, even in the darkest of nights. If you look for the darkness, you will find it, even in the brightest of days. Choose what you look for wisely. #wearewhatweseek #fizaclub 05 May 2020 Love and grief both come to us in equal parts to keep us in balance & check. If you are not in equilibrium, take actions to restore the balance. Seek out more love if there is too much grief & seek humbleness and humility if there is too much love. Neither in excess is healthy! 14 May 2020 Learning is in the doing, not in the proving! Spend more time and energy in the doing, the proof will rise up and show itself in the heat of the moment! #learning #education 15 May 2020 Your words can build or break a person, it’s your choice which direction you go, choose wisely! Not only are we accountable for every word, but there is a reason why they say, what goes around comes around! STOP THINK SPEAK! #personaldevelopment #fizaclub 25 May 2020 To impart wisdom is not teaching, to help one comprehend the message in the wisdom is teaching. In my efforts of boycotting the "new twitter" I have removed myself and my offerings from that space; however, I thought for those that still like to read my notes from time to time I will sharing some of them here:
08 Aug 2019 Our path is already chosen for us, but the journey we take, left upon us to decide. 20 Aug 2019 To achieve something you do not need a piece of paper to say you can, you need the little voice inside to say you will! 20 Aug 2019 If all it took was the dress, then all one would need is a really good shopping spree… clearly said is not the case. Wear the attitude to reach the altitude. 24 Jan 2020 Personal development tip 1: always meet a person with the thought, what can I learn from them. If you look to learn, you will find something worthy to learn from everyone. #LearningAndDevelopment #personaldevelopment #LifeLessons #Lifeline #fizaclub 24 Jan 2020 Personal development tip 2: For every person you meet, try to bring something into the light for them, that they were not yet aware of. Aka- return the favour of tip 1- #LifeLessons #personaldevelopment #LearningAndDevelopment #lifeline #fizaclub 24 Jan 2020 Personal development tip 3: do at least 1 act of kindness everyday, even if it’s just checking the floor is hazard free for other users. If you look thru the right lens, you will see the better picture. #LifeLessons #personaldevelopment #LearningAndDevelopment #Lifeline #fizaclub 25 Jan 2020 Personal development tip 4: At the end of each day reflect; search for that one moment in the day that made that day special and fulfilling. #personaldevelopment #LifeLessons #lifeline #fizaclub 05 Feb 2020 It is not the destination nor journey, but the presence of self in the moment, which brings us to hold the moment in an emotional capacity to follow on through with the journey to reach your destination. 06 Feb 2020 Personal development tip 5: Read! Read something anything enlightening everyday, even if it is an age old quote that you have never heard before. #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #selfdevelopment #learninganddevelopment #LifeLessons 06 Feb 2020 Personal Development tip 6: Write! Write something everyday that is worth reading- When you organise your thoughts to write, you organise your thoughts re-life. #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #LifeLessons #learninganddevelopment 06 Feb 2020 Even if it is “just a list”, the thinking process involved in writing anything, the organising your thoughts to enable it, all help one focus in life. 01 Mar 2020 Be kind, because that is who you are & what helps you to sleep at night. It doesn’t matter if no one understands your kindness or appreciates it! Don’t live by other people’s standards, live by your own! #KindnessMatters #livelifeonyourterms |
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