Come, sit with me a while. There is much to come of it. #MindfulPresence... Expanding Horizons... Where you are, determines what you see; to change what you see, change where you are... Widen the gaze... 18/2/22 I am not suddenly going to be what I am to become, I already am who I am going to be, but everyday I discover a little bit more about all that I am able to be. You are not a result of the destination you reach, but the sum of the journey you have taken. #lifeisthejourney 1/3/22 One is always the: hero/heroine; victim; & saviour all at once in our own story, but possibly the villan in someone elses'! The story always goes how the teller wants it to go. Who you are in a story always depends on who is telling the story. #perspective #agenda 1/3/22 Life is never going to be #pictureperfect but be willing to put it up proudly on display anyway! Striving for perfection is the same as striving to find the end of a bottomless pit, it does not exist! Strive only to be better than you were the moment before. #LifeLessons 7/4/22 #Knowledge is for spreading. The more you spread it, the more that comes of it. A #community that #learns_together #grows_together #lifelessons #personaldevelopment 29/4/22 You will never be more than you already are, you already are all that you are ever going to be; the only question is how far have you travelled on the road of #selfdiscovery. With each passing day, each hurdle overcome, each lesson learnt, one uncovers a little bit more of who they are. Keep #learning, #growing and #living for we still have a lot of ourselves left to meet. 29/4/22 Don't underestimate the power of failure, for without it there can be no growth. Travelling the same paths take us to the same destinations. To get to new places, new paths have to be explored; some will work and some won't, but you can only know if you dare to go. #LifeLessons 8/5/22 When we speak we have two choices, to build someone and to destroy someone. Choose wisely. If you send destructive energy out, destruction is exactly what you get. If you send positive building up energy, it consequences just that. #BuildUpTheWorldAroundYou 8/5/22 If your driving style causes parts to be damaged, merely replacing them isn't going to "solve the problem", you will be back to square 1 again in no time. What needs to change is the damaging driving style. Your body's "damage" is a result of your living style, addressing the symptoms can't solve the problem, what needs to change is your living style. #HealthIsASideEffectOfHealthyLiving 9/5/22 Being present in the present is not always an easy ask. But if your mind is absent from there in where you are, what is the point of being there where you are. Let's embark on truly living shall we. Don't just embody the moment, fully let yourself land in it. #LifeLessons 9/5/22 Who can know His creations better than the AlMighty Creator Himself. Allah-o-Akber! Surely we are Allah's and to Him we shall surely return. Inna lillahi wa Inna elaihi rajioon. The Holy Quran 2:156 A phrase often said in loss, but truth be in it non the less! Allah-o-Akber! 10/5/22 Ills relay there's a story hidden within the depths of the soul, which is holding one back & stopping 'em from becoming whole. Come, let's sit & chat. Let's find out where you are at. I'll put the kettle on, come on in, relax. #Healing lives not in tools but in conversations 13/5/22 Homeopathy, dental balance, etc are all tools that unlock the room where our demons reside, unlocking 'em doesn't rid us of 'em, we still have to walk into the room & face them. You don't have to take this journey alone, we can jump in together & weather this storm. #TrueHealing 13/6/20 Homeopathy does not cure “diseases”, it removes road blocks from your path of self fulfillment- a path that not only requires one to have a healthy body, but a healthy mental, emotional, spiritual and physical being. #homeopathy #healing #naturalhealth #healthandwellness #Health 13/5/22 Living happens in the journey, don't focus your energy too much on goal posts or milestones - the "landmarks" on your journey. There lies much to be explored, enjoyed and experienced every step of the way. #LifeLessons #LiveEveryBreath 13/5/22 We cannot #TrulyHeal from anything if we do not allow ourselves to #TrulyFeel and live through those feelings that we have locked away. The anger or sorrow or fear or whatever other feelings that we hide within us, box with them a part of who we are as well. #FreeYourself & Feel 24/5/22 Conversations are where the thinking, growing and healing happen. #MentalHealthAwarenes #LifeLessons #selfgrowth #healing 30/5/22 The road to recovery is never a straight one, esp. for #MentalWellness. Some days you may make progress other days you may go backwards, but the important thing to remember is to keep working on it, because you only ever really loose the battle when you give up. #Mentalhealth 3/6/22 If you have to cut out trigger ppl from your life to "live in peace", have you truly really healed from them?? #WhatIsTrueHealing #EmotionalHealth #MentalHealth 3/6/22 The test of #TrueHealing is to stand in company of our triggers and not be triggered by their attempted trigging. That is when we truly have sealed our wounds; anything short and we are still being an ostrich. #LetUsHeal #MentalHealth #EmotionalTraumas #EmotionalHealth 3/6/22 Not everyone has the option to escape ones' #EmotionalTrauma triggers. Escaping them is not the answer, it's a coping mechanisms. Growing to a strength and place where those triggers bare no significance in our life is the answer. #MentalStrength #emotionalintelligence 3/6/22 Forgiving one who hurts us & then "choosing" to stay away from them doesn't show healing from them; it shows wounds that are still raw. Our wounds can only truly heal & seal if we can find & understand the weakness within us that allowed a wound to manifest in the first place. 3/6/22 To over come our triggers we need to understand what is it inside of us that allows for this trigger to take hold of us. It is not the person who triggers us we need to remove, but the "weakness" inside of us that allows for the trigger to take hold. #MentalStrength 1/12/19 Teen-agers & Tantrums and toddlers &tantrums so very real, but so very pure. See past the tantruming to find what really is troubling the teen and the toddler, often it’s still the very real and same thing. Being Overwhelmed. #tantrums 5/6/22 One day what we write the world may read; but we write not for the world, but only because we bleed... 12/6/22 Our clients force us to look at a part of ourselves that we are not looking at; through the remedies they display the need of, they invite us to read a remedy picture we actually need to see for ourselves. Literally, like cures like! #homeopathy profound wisdom 12/6/22 We see not any situation as it is, but rather as our thinking allows us to see it. Thus 2 people in the same boat experience the journey in very different ways due to their thoughts that shape the experience. What are you projecting onto a situation? 12/6/22 We live but through our thoughts. 07 Jun 2020 Taste is more than flavours. You change the experience, you change the taste. #food #experience #foodismorethanflavours 13/6/22 Every experience/conversation/moment, is an experience we need in order for us to walk down the path we are meant to walk down. 28/6/22 Life is never #PicturePerfect, but be wiling to put it up proudly on display anyway. #BeautyIsNotSkinDeep 28/6/22 The sun and breeze, they play a song and dance with the trees, one that only the grass beneath them sees. #nature #life #MelodyOfNature 10/7/22 Words bead together to catch the essence of thought, to relay the magic of the moment that had been conjured up in a brainstorm that had brewed. 10/8/22 Acquiring knowledge is one thing, knowing what to do with the knowledge acquired is whole other thing all together. #education #intelligence 23/9/22 One grows because of what the community brings to them, As a result of this growth of one, the community, in turns grows too. 27/9/22 Cure can only happen when you let it happen. The only thing preventing cure is you, yourself. No medicine, no herb, no therapy can cure you; they can only provide an avenue for cure. Ultimately it is only you who can cure yourself, because it is you who is the obstacle to cure 15/10/22 Let life live on, for that is what it wants, need and pleads. Move on with life too, for it wants to move on with you. Holding on to hurts only prolongs them, life wants to teach you lessons & help you grow, not punish you! Don't punish yourself, learn and grow. #lifelessons 02/11/22 I’m a periscope; I place mirrors in certain vantage points to help you reflect through them to enable you to see through a different lens and give yourself a new perspective. #Perspective #LifeLessons #Selfdevelopment #fizaclub
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