Much to see; much to do; much to say; much more left still to bring to you:
06/2/21 When one seeks to buy an item in “#fashion”, it is not the item we want in reality, but the CONFIDENCE that comes with it. #Confidence is not sold on shelves my friends, so stop trying to buy it. Develop it, nurture it and own it! #personaldevelopment #lifelessons 23/2/21 Learn for the joy of learning, not for the pressure of proving. A pressure cooker can only take in so much eventually giving way, releasing all it’s gained. Slow smoking absorbs in everything slowly, deepening it’s richness & flavours. #learnforthejoyoflearning #knowledge 23/2/21 It’s not bits of paper that define who you are, it’s how you meet the world each day that shows what you are. Don’t rely on paper to be your advocate, live each moment with your personal stamp on it! #LifeLessons #liveit 24/2/21 Every once in a while spend time with a ball of yarn, it has so much to share with you. #LifeLessons #yarncaneducate #tanglewithwool #lifes_secrets #reflect #learn #grow #taking_care_of_lifes_strings 25/2/21 Before you step up to teach, think: truly what is the scope of my lessons, what is the true size of my class room. Your audience may be those before you, but the reach of your teachings stretch for generations to come. Just let that sink in. #education #teaching #LifeLessons 4/3/21 Read the message, not the words. #LifeLessons #fizaclub 4/3/21 Every kind gesture to every one person, is one heart held for a few moments. #KindnessMatters #Kindness 4/3/21 Nothing wrong with being human. Own it. We are flawlessly flawed by design, wear the flaws, like the moon. Those that look for beauty see the moon’s smile beeming down, those that don’t see it’s sadness radiating out. You can’t choose what others look for. #LifeLessons 3/5/21 You are always a “nobody” until you are not, but you are always a “somebody” even if your not. #FoodForThought #mondaythoughts 18/5/21 If you churn out content, for the sake of churning out content, you lose the value of what you have to say when you have to say it. Don’t fall pray the social media world, live by your own standards. #personaldevelopment #FoodForThought #fizaclub # TuesdayThoughts 19/5/21 A plate of food is more than the sum of its ingredients. It’s the means through which we can transfer good intensions, well wishes, love & care to our family. Energy is neither created nor destroyed only transferred! What will you feed your family today? #FoodIsForTougthtnSoul 2/6/21 Health is not the absence of illness, but rather the ability to adapt to change. Life is not for surviving, but thriving. 10/6/21 It’s easy to smile when you are in company, but can you smile in solitude? It’s easy to put on a brave face and reflect light hitting you, but can you radiate your own light from within? Can you brave the world with your real face, smile or otherwise. #reflections #LifeStories 10/6/21 We all hold things that we really shouldn’t. What’s the monster in your closet? Is it time you released yourself from it’s up-keep? Is it time you freed you soul from all that weighs it down? #LifeStories #lifecoaching 11/6/21 If you can only be one thing in life, be authentic. Be authentic to your true self. You are enough and the flavour you bring is not only necessary, but unique to only you! ❤️ #embrace_yourself #be_authentic #LifeLessons #personaldevelopment 7/10/21 The journey from "milk 'n cookies", to "tea & cakes", is a delicious one on all counts. Savour it! #LifeLessons 1/11/21 No one else [AND I REPEAT NO ONE ELSE] is living your life, dealing with your hurdles & #Healthchallenges... 5/11/21 Quote of the day: "To gaze at beauty is not to experience it" -Rudolf Steiner "Truth, Beauty and Goodness" A lecture by Rudolf Steiner Dornach, January 19, 1923... 9/11/21 You take my kindness as my weakness. You take my silence as my weakness. You take my forgiveness as my weakness. So be it! My weakness is me stepping aside for you to do as you please, say as you please, while I silently forgive you for them. Yes I maybe weak. But what are you? 12/11/21 Not everything I write about is my story, of now or before. It's my experiences of life and the thoughts that they implore. Looking closely at the lesson's of life is what I enjoy. Presenting my finds to the world is my passion. #lifelessons #personaldevelopment #selfgrowth 12/11/21 No matter what hurdles life throws you, know that they are never anything that you cannot handle. That is Allah SWT promise to us! Never forget that. #life #LifeLessons 17/11/21 The same sentence read at different times in your life can read very differently. This is because it's not the words, but where you are at that determines what you take away from a sentence. #LifeLessons #innerwork #personaldevelopment #personalreflections #wednesdaywisdoms 18/11/21 "We teach best what we most need to learn..." Ian Watson So profound and so very true! ❤️ Thank you for putting it so aptly! #teaching #theartofeducation #simplicityoflife
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