The BulBul Once said on a forum no more, (for "twitter" is dead, and "X" marks the spot where the crime was committed and our freedom of choice was deleted):
16 Jun 2020 Sometimes we have to drift away from a dream in-order to come close to it. Steps in different directions are sometimes needed for your direction to your dream. Have faith in the plan and the best Planner! #dreams #lifedirections #pathways #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth 16 Jun 2020 Sometimes the destination of a dream is a lot bigger than it may first seem. We can not always see all that will be, for it to be. For if the flower is to bloom, first it must be connected to the plant, earth & elements. For alone it is but a moment in a journey. #personalgrowth 24 Jun 2020 You can not control the outside weather, so don’t try. You can harness the inside storm so tame it and ride it. #lifechallenges #LifeLessons #seethebrightside #silverlining #personaldevelopment 24 Jun 2020 When life gets you down, you need to get yourself up off the ground! The first step to help is knowing your need it! #LifeLessons #selfhelp #selfcare #personaldevelopment #aintnosuperman #beyourownhero 24 Jun 2020 No one else will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself! #selflove #LifeLessons #personaldevelopment #selfbelief 25 Jun 2020 Sometimes in the deep dark depths of today we can dive in and pull out a shining tomorrow. #life #LifeLessons #lifequotes #inspiration #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayMotivation 27 Jun 2020 With the number of schools rising in the world, illitercay is slowly going, yet the masses are still uneducated. Is that not saying something about the education system?? #foodforthought #thinkaboutit #letthatsimmer #education #schoolsystem #justthink #Time4CHANGE #think 08 Jul 2020 Live every week like a new adventure. Do something different every week, life will be exciting. #LifeLessons #wednesdaymorning #lookforwardtolife #positivethinking #lockdownmotivation #PositivePsychology 11 Jul 2020 Have some quiet time everyday, it brings peace and balance back into one’s life. #LifeLessons #silenceishealing #personalcare #selfcare #selfreflection #recalibrate #recharge #refresh #relax #selfhealing #meditate #selfabsorption 14 Jul 2020 Find your groove & uncover the genius within. #selfdiscovery #Genius 22 Jul 2020 Learning happens from the moment of conception, you don’t need to be at a place or age or ability. Learning is continuous and constant. You don’t need to prove your learning it is reflected in your whole being. #LearningNeverStops #learning #wednesdaymorning #LearningHuman 28 jul 2020 Indulge in some source or medium of humour everyday. Helps put things in perspective. #lifeisworthliving #humourismedicine #laughteristhebestmedicine #livelifeonthelighterside #donttakeyourselftooseriously #indulgeinhappiness #ahappylifeisablissfullife #smile #laugh #love #live 19 Aug 2020 One must always be ready to seek the #opportunist within- seek for #opportunity in each moment faced, good or bad, for surely there is opportunity for something in every moment! #thesilverlining #selfdevelopment #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment for life is but opportunity! 06 Sep 2020 Something maybe good for you, yet you struggle to see why Allah is keeping it from you. Have faith, it’s because Allah has something unimaginably perfect for you around the corner. Not every road is yours for the taking, your path is paved precisely to your fitting. 24 Nov 2020 It is in the stillness of it all where all the growing happens #stillness #silence #thoughtoftheday #Growth 04 Dec 2020 Health and fitness is not something to achieve, it’s a side effect of great living! #healthcare #healthandwellness #healthylifestyle #HealthyLiving #FridayThoughts #FridayMotivations #lifestyle #fizaclub 10 Dec 2020 Inspiration sprouts from but a single gesture of kindness 10 Dec 2020 Let your curiosity, passion and inspiration drive your hunger for learning. #education #inspiredlearning #ThursdayThoughts #steinereducation 10 Dec 2020 Let your passion guide your learning and not your learning guide your passion! #foodforthought #inspiredlearning 27 Dec 2020 Why is it that we feel anything?! Some days I think life would be so much more easier if we didn’t feel things when we didn’t want to. If we could just glaze over situations without it effecting us. Without us feeling any of the emotions! Then I remember, we would not be human! 03 Jan 2021 Never be afraid of spreading your wisdom for it only blossoms bigger and brighter. - a field of wild flowers grew from but a seed! #Wisdom #shareknowledge #spreadthelove #foodforthought #InspirationalQuotes #inspired #LifeLessons #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment 05 Jan 2021 It can take one second to start a rumour, but a century to clear it. Just take cholesterol and saturated fats for example, the whole world believes them to be bad because of one man’s incomplete analysis and understanding, decades later we are still trying to clear their names 05 Jan 2021 (cont) meanwhile the real culprit is let loose and runs rampant. We find it easy to believe the first statement even without evidence, yet struggle to believe subsequent evidences shouting the truth. Be mindful of what your say! 17 Jan 2021 Don’t force your thinking on to others. If you truly believe you are in the right, educate people and let them come to the understanding for themselves. For truth shall always prevail! If there is truth in your words, it will gleam out and shine the path to the right way. #truth 18 Jan 2021 Someone’s thoughts and teachings can not harm, only educate. Education comes in all forms & has all sorts of effects. Listening to someone’s point of view only to decide it definitely is not what you stand for, is a lesson learnt & an “education”. #Opinions #education #LifeLessons 28 Jan 2021 Good teachers teach the curriculum really well, great teachers shape your life! #teachers #greatteachers #education
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