simple and easy Ingredients: 1 cup Plain flour 1 and 1/2 cup Whole milk 1/2 cup water 2 eggs Method: In a high sided bowl mix all the ingredients with a whisk On a big hob ring, on a medium heat, preheat a crepe pan/frying pan and season with a few drops of oil Once the pan is at a medium heat, (to check drop a few drops of water on the pan it should start to sizzle but not turn into instant steam, this will indicate the pan is at a meat heat ready for use). Holding the handle of the pan tilt the far side of the pan upwards, using a big ladle, pour a full ladle of batter at the top tilted up end of the pan going from left to right in a a semicircular motion following the outer edge of the pan. this will cause the batter to drip down the pan forming a circular form, working quickly, swivel the pan around so that the batter spreads evenly around the pan in a thin layer. Once this is achieved place the pan back onto the medium heat. The crepe will start to slowly release from the edges of the pan as it cooks over the next 60-90 seconds. Using a very thin flipping utensil, run its tip all along the edge of the crepe to check that it is has separated from the pan. Then use it to flip the crepe over, this first cooked side of the crepe should be a beautiful golden brown colour as in the photo above. Cook on the second side for a further 30-50 seconds, then flip it again, when you flip it, it should have golden brown dots all around indicating that it is ready, (if the crepe does not look like it is ready yet, flip back on to the second side to cook for further 10-20 seconds). Once ready flip out on to serving plate. Enjoy with your favourite toppings. N.B. The most important part in this is the heat and the swivelling of the batter on to the pan. If the pan is not hot enough it will take longer to cook, and will not achieve the nice end result. If it is too hot it will not give a good circle, nor will it be nice and wafer thin and crispy on the edges.
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